Northwestern Networks Group Software
Kick-Ass: Deployable Router Assisted Congestion Control
Linux source code for a deplyable explicit-rate router-assisted congestion control mechanism. Kick-Ass has been implemented in Linux (Kernel 3.12.3) for a router and an endpoint.
Messup: Protecting User Identities in Mobile Traffic
The Messup mobile app is the client-side tool of the Messup system. This Android app will sample HTTP traffic generated by other apps, tokenize the HTTP headers, report suspicious userID fields and generate synthetic traffic to protect user identities.
Diagnosing Spatio-Temporal Internet Congestion Properties
Linux source code of a congestion measurement tool - Pong. Measurement data of a large-scale Internet experiment on PlanetLab using Pong. Related paper: "Pong: Diagnosing Spatio-Temporal Internet Congestion Properties."
Pollution Resilience for Internet Caches
Simulation code and an implementation of a counter-pollution mechanism available as a ready-to-use upgrade of the Squid caching server. Related paper: "Internet Cache Pollution Attacks and Countermeasures."
Building Network Services Based on CDNs' Redirections
Software and measurements from the paper "Drafting Behind Akamai." Also, a ready-to-use extension to Azureus, one of the most popular BitTorrent's clients. Measurement data sets are available here.
On the Use of Parallel Connections in Web Browsers
Ns-2 code and a FreeBSD implementation. Related paper: "On the Use of Parallel Connections in Web Browsers."
Performance vs. Trust
Ns-2 code and simulation scripts from the paper "A Performance vs. Trust Perspective in the Design of End-Point Congestion Control Protocols." We are grateful to Hung-Yun Hsieh (Georgia Tech) for providing the pilot version of the RCP ns-2 code.
Low-Rate Denial of Service Attacks
Ns-2 code and simulation scripts from the paper "Low-Rate TCP-Targeted Denial of Service Attacks (The Shrew vs. the Mice and Elephants)."
TCP Low Priority (TCP-LP)
Ns-2 code and Linux implementation of TCP-LP. Related paper: "TCP-LP: A Distributed Algorithm for Low Priority Data Transfer."