Auditing Internet Content for Credibility, Fairness, and Privacy

This research is supported by the National Science Foundation.

Motivation and Approach

Millions of users are accessing a portion of billions of Web pages and other content on the Internet on a daily basis. While the networking research community and the public in general are well-aware of the net neutrality problem, i.e., how to develop regulatory policies and auditing mechanisms to prevent Internet Service Providers from discriminating against various applications, very little effort is invested in enabling content neutrality. In particular, it is not a secret that almost every browsing click we make is collected by either Web- or ISP-based "information collectors and aggregators", and that our profiles are used for online advertising. Still, no public auditing mechanisms, capable of detecting and informing end users about such practices, exist in this emerging area.

This project focuses on building a set of methodologies and tools capable of (i) enabling auditing mechanisms for the Web advertising domain, (ii) monitoring search engines' services and revealing their neutrality, and (iii) independently determining a Web site's popularity and checking for the truthfulness of advertised popularity.



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    Tech. Report NWU-EECS-15-03, Department of EECS, Northwestern University, October 2015.
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    [ .pdf ]
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  • Selective Behavior in Online Social Networks
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    In IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Macau, China, December 2012.
    [ .pdf | .pdf.gz | .ppt ]
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  • Understanding Crowds' Migration on the Web
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    [ .pdf | .pdf.gz | .ppt ]
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  • Understanding the Network and User-Targeting Properties of Web Advertising Networks
    Y. Wang, D. Burgener, A. Kuzmanovic, and G. Macia
    In Proceedings of IEEE ICDCS 2011, Minneapolis, MN, June 2011.
    [ .pdf | .pdf.gz | .ppt ]
    The paper analyzes the properties of Web advertising networks.

  • How to Improve Your Google Ranking: Myths and Reality
    A.-J. Su, Y. C. Hu, A. Kuzmanovic, and C.-K. Koh
    In IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Toronto, Canada, August 2010.
    [ .pdf | .pdf.gz | .ppt ]
    The paper presents a web-search auditing system.

  • Analyzing Content-Level Properties of the Web Adversphere
    Y. Wang, D. Burgener, A. Kuzmanovic, and G. Macia
    Poster paper in Proceedings of WWW 2010, Raleigh, NC, April 2010.
    [ .pdf | .pdf.gz | .ppt ]
    A short paper describing our initial efforts on building a content-level auditing service for web-based ad networks.