EECS110 Course Project Option 4, Spring 2018


The picobot Project




In this project you will implement your version of the picobot program that we used in homework 1 (

The screenshot above shows the desired outcome of the program. It should simply execute the picobot program based on a given text file, exactly in the same way it was done in Homework 0. There should be at least two control buttons: one that would run the program without any delays, and the other one that would enable step-by-step program execution.


Project Goal

You should design and implement a program that will create the above window and run the picobot program based on a TXT file that you will provide. Feel free to reuse the TXT files you created for Homework 0. (To simplify the task, we will explain how to change your Homework 0 solutions below). Details about picobot operations are available here:


Getting Started

You should download the file from this link, originally posted and available from this site. It is a graphics library you will use in this project. Browseable reference documentation for the graphics package is available here.

To help you start, consider the following program:


from graphics32 import *


def main():

win = GraphWin("MyWindow", 400, 400)

p1 = Point(0,355)

p2 = Point(400,400)

square5 = Rectangle(p1,p2)





#Exit button

p1 = Point(122,360)

p2 = Point(198,390)

square1 = Rectangle(p1,p2)



p = square1.getCenter()

t = Text(p, "Exit")




while True:

K = win.getMouse()

if K.getX() > 122 and K.getX() < 198 and K.getY() > 360 and K.getY() < 390:


exit("The end")



At the beginning, the program creates an object win of the type GraphWin, using win = GraphWin("MyWindow", 400, 400). The object win has 400*400 pixels.


Next, the program draws a yellow rectangle at the bottom of the window. It first generates to points, p1 and p2, with appropriate coordinates (e.g., (0,355) for p1 and (400,400) for p2). Then, it creates a rectangle yr using points p1 and p2, respectively. Next, the program yellows object yr using rectangle methods setFill()and setOutline(). Finally, the yr object draws itself onto the window using yr.draw(win).


Further, the program creates a new rectangle object, called eb, which short from exit button. The coordinates of eb are (122,360) and (198,390). This object also draws itself onto the window using eb.draw(win). In addition, the program creates text object t, the value of which becomes Exit, and draws itself in the center of the exit button.


Finally, the program enters a while loop. Variable K holds the coordinate at which the user clicks. When the user clicks the Exit button, the program terminates.



What You Will Do

Your task is to design and implement a program that will create the above window and run the picobot program based on a TXT file that you will provide.

Here are the requirements for your picobot program:

If you mark blue by 1, and white by 0, then the above maze could be represented as a 2D list:

 X = [[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],





























Here are several hints:

f = open('map3.txt', 'r')

text =

L = text.split()


for i in range(len(L)):

if L[i] == '->':

if L[i-1] == 'xxxx':




What to Submit for the Intermediate and Final Submissions

There are two submission deadlines. By the Intermediate Deadline on Sunday, 06/03 at 11:59 PM you should submit the following:


Final submissions are due by 11:59 PM on Sunday, 06/10.

For the final project submission, you should submit the following:


Some notes about the design, implementation and testing of your code: