EECS110 Course Project Option 2, Spring 2018


Text Clouds

This project offers you an opportunity to use Python to develop a fun and useful web application.

A text cloud is a collection of the most-commonly used words within some body of text, usually with attention paid to avoid extremely common words (e.g., the) and to unify different forms of a single word (e.g., aliens and alien are the same). Text clouds allow us to obtain a quick sense of the topic of a website by visualizing the most frequently occurring words on that website where the words are displayed with size proportional to the frequency. For example, here is how a text cloud might look like for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone:

Although the Harry Potter books are under copyright and thus aren't available online, you can find many interesting older books at Project Gutenberg. Here is a text cloud for Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer:


This site seems to be one of the first to distinguish text clouds from the more common tag cloud. The kinds of text cloud this project uses are what Wikipedia calls a data clouds.

Text clouds, in essence, are a word-by-word summary of the contents of an article, book, or other work. Though certainly the structure of the document is lost, the relative frequency of particular words may be telling. Consider for example, the beautiful example of the text cloud for all presidential state-of-the-union speeches in American history.


A Few Words on Web Pages, HTML, and URLs

Web pages are written in a language called HTML which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML provides instructions that tell your browser how to format the contents of the web page. If you use your web browser to look at a web page, you can view the HTML that produced that page (for example in Firefox, select the "View" menu and then the "Page Source" option). If you haven't looked at HTML before, take a few minutes to do so. Don't worry if you don't understand the HTML commands, but it's instructive just to see how the text and formatting commands appear in HTML.

You will notice that in addition to text and some other items in an HTML document there are often some hyperlinks. These are just the addresses of other web pages. In a HTML document, those hyperlinks are specified using addresses called URLs (Universal Resource Locaters). For example, the HTML code

<A HREF=">Northwestern University website</A>

tells the browser to display the words Northwestern University website (generally in a special color, such as blue) and when the user clicks on these words, the browser should go to the web page at the location given by the URL

The Project Overview

This project comprises two parts. The first part is the milestone is due on due on Sunday, 06/03 at 11:59 PM. For the milestone, you will write the core functionality of the text clouds program but without some of the advanced features that you will add for the final version.

The milestone program will run from the IDLE environment. It will ask the user for a URL and will then compute the word frequencies on the web page at that URL address. Finally, it will print the most frequently occurring words on the screen along with the number of occurrences of each word. You will not run this program through a web browser at this point. That comes later!

In the final version of the project, due on Sunday, 06/10 at 11:59 PM, you will add several additional features. First, when the user enters a URL, your program will not only examine the words on that website, but it will also explore all of the URLs that are linked from that website to explore the contents of those linked page. These linked pages may, in turn, have their own URL links and your program will explore those as well, etc. This process of "fanning out" from an initial website is called "web crawling". Your program will be a text cloud web crawler! In addition, your program will run from your own web page (details below) and will display the results on your web browser. Once you have this working, your friends will be able to go to your website to use your text cloud web crawler.

Quick Notes on Design, Implementation, and Test


Part 1: The Basic Program for the Milestone

This part is due on Sunday, 06/03 at 11:59 PM.

The basic program runs from IDLE and does the following:

For the milestone, you may have very simple and far-from-perfect "cleaning" and "stemming". You should have functions in place for those tasks and some rudimentary "cleaning" and "stemming" should take place, but you can refine this substantially in the final version of your program.

For example, here is what your program might look like when your program is run on the web page

Enter a URL:

Here is the text cloud for your web page:

spam (8)

page (2)

love (1)


Your output might not look exactly like this. In particular, you may have other strings in your output or slightly different counts, depending on your stemming rules. Notice here that the word "I" appeared on that web page but was not included in the text cloud because it got "cleaned" out as the program dropped frequently occurring words in its stop list.


What You'll Need for the Basic Program

If by any chance you are NOT using Python Version 3.5, download the file hmc_urllib by right-clicking here: and saving that file in the directory where you are doing your programming.

FOR PYTHON VERSION 3.5, download the file hmc_urllib_new by right-clicking here: and saving that file in the directory where you are doing your programming. If you download the other file , the program wont work so make sure to download the

Make sure that this file is in the same directory or folder where you are developing your project. Now, you will need the following line at the top of your program:

from hmc_urllib import getHTML (FOR PYTHON VERSION would write: from hmc_urllib_new import getHTML)

This line gives you access to a Python library for dealing with HTML. It provides the function getHTML; you can use help(getHTML) to see its documentation. It simply takes a string as input, where that string is a URL. A URL always begins with http:// as in The function returns a 2-tuple that contains the text of the web page and the URLs that appear on that web page. The text of the web page is returned in all lower case letters. This is done in order to avoid counting uppercase and lowercase spellings as different words. Please use this function as-is.

Note that this library will only return pages at Northwestern University (anything at, etc). We put this restriction on the code because people who run web sites might get annoyed if they suddenly had dozens of Northwestern programs disrespectfully crawling their website (there are restrictions about how programs can "respectfully" crawl web sites which we are not going to get into here. Furthermore, bugs in a program almost always render them "disrespectful" :)).

For this milestone, you can ignore the URLs that are returned. You will use those in an interesting way on the final version of the project.

There are two other ingredients that will be useful. First, you will need to manipulate strings in all sorts of ways. To that end, use Python's many built-in string methods. While we've seen some string handling methods in class, the string sections in the Python library reference is a great place to learn about Python's string handling methods. These resources will help with parsing, cleaning the input, and even stemming the words.

Second, you will need to sort. Python has a built-in method for sorting lists. If you have a list called foo then the command foo.sort() will sort that list in increasing order. It can sort lists of strings, lists of numbers, and even lists of lists and lists tuples! When sorting a list of lists (or tuples), it sorts first according to the first element in each list or tuple, breaking ties by looking at the next element, etc. Experiment with this!

Testing Your Code

Be sure to test each function as you write it. Writing all of the functions and only then testing the whole program is a recipe for headaches.

You may want to test your program on some very small web pages. Here are three web pages that you may want to use to test your program:

What To Submit for the first Milestone

By Sunday, 06/03 at 11:59 PM you should submit your first milestone. This includes:


The Final Project

The final project adds the following features to the basic program and is due on Sunday, 06/10 at 11:59 PM.

When a user enters a URL into your program, the program grabs the text from that URL as before. However, the program then looks at all of the web pages referred to by URLs on that web page. Recall that the function getHTML that we have provided above returns this list of URLs. This process of automatically going from one web page to other web pages that are linked from that page is called "web crawling".

Web crawling can be very slow if the web page where you begin your search has links to other pages that have links to other pages, etc. Therefore, your program should have a global variable called DEPTH that enforces that your program never crawls more than that number of links away from the starting web page. For example, if DEPTH is set to 0, then only the starting page is searched. If DEPTH is set to 1 then only the starting page and pages linked from that page are searched, etc. For debugging purposes, set DEPTH equal to 0 initially and then increase this number later.

So, your program will now begin at the start URL provided by the user and crawl to all web pages reachable within DEPTH "hops" of that web page. In the end, it will display a single text cloud that aggregates all of the words found during that "crawl".

You will need to be careful here. Imagine that you start at a URL for a web page. Let's call that page X. Imagine that X has links to pages Y and Z. If the DEPTH is one or more, your program will look at pages Y and Z. Imagine now that Y has links to A and B but also to X and Z. You need to make sure that Y does not send us back to X since we have already been there and presumably we've already counted the words on that page. Counting them again would be a mistake! Similarly, we need to make sure that Z is only visited once. If we're not careful, X will visit Z and also Y will visit Z, resulting in double-counting of the words on page Z.

How do we handle this? You may wish to use imperative or recursive constructs. That's up to you. In order to avoid visiting a page twice, you may want to keep a list of the URLs that have already been visited. Then, before exploring a URL, check to see if it is in the list of already visited URLs. If so, don't visit it again. Similarly, when a URL is explored for the first time, we'll need to place it on that list!

You can test your code using the same test pages listed above. First test from page1.html with DEPTH set to 0. This will give you a text cloud only for the words on that page. Now try again with DEPTH set to 1. This will give you a text cloud for the words on page1.html and page2.html (because there is a link from page1.html to page2.html). How try again with DEPTH set to 2.

Your final submission should have the following features:

Making Your Text Clouds Web-Based

The last part of this project is to make your text cloud program run on its own website. In other words, the user will now enter URLs on a web page rather than from IDLE. The resulting text cloud will be displayed on a web page as well. For example, you can take a look at a very basic example at

Here's what you'll need to do to make this work:

Name your python program

Remove all print statements from This is important for the correct functionality of your program on the web.

Add a function to your program called mtcURL that takes as input a URL (a string) and returns (not prints!) a string of all of the words that you want to display in your textcloud. The code that we have provided will call mtcURL exactly once, so it is imperative that mtcURL return the totality of the words accumulated during the web crawl. The string should be returned in the following format: For each of the words in your text cloud (recall that there are at most MAXWORDS of them and they appear in sorted order from most frequent to least frequent) there is a string of the form:

<abbr title = COUNT style = "font-size:NUMBER%">WORD</abbr> &nbsp; &nbsp;

where COUNT is the number of occurrences of the WORD and NUMBER is the relative size of the font used to display the WORD. You can choose the NUMBER to be anything that you like, but it should be proportional to the number of occurrences (COUNT) of the WORD. You may want to experiment with these sizes to see what looks good to you.

For example, for the Harry Potter text cloud, the first few lines might look like:

<abbr title =1267 style="font-size:800%">harry</abbr> &nbsp; &nbsp;

<abbr title =417 style="font-size:263%">ron</abbr> &nbsp; &nbsp;

<abbr title =335 style="font-size:211%">hagrid</abbr> &nbsp; &nbsp;

<abbr title =254 style="font-size:160%">hermione</abbr> &nbsp; &nbsp;

<abbr title =174 style="font-size:109%">down</abbr> &nbsp; &nbsp;


Notice that this tells us that the word "Harry" appears 1267 times in the file and its font size is 800% of the normal font size. The word "Ron" appeared 417 times and its font size is 263% of the normal font size. The numbers 800 and 263 are not important. What is important is that the ratio of these percentages (in this case 800/263) is equal to the ratio of the word counts (in this case 1267/417).

This funny format is HTML! It will tell a web browser the font size for each of these words. The nbsp's are spacers that put a bit of separation between the words on the web page. Test your program to make sure that it produces output in exactly this format. Any mistake in the format will cause an error when you move on to the next step.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please thoroughly test your mtcURL function in IDLE before moving on to the final steps below. You can test it by giving it a url string (for simple test web pages such as those that we've provided for you) and seeing if it correct output in the format described above. Once you've done this testing, you can be quite sure that you are almost done. However, failing to test this code now may result in severe headaches on the very last part described below.

In order to be able to setup your own web pages you will need a remote account on the Blue machine ( In order to get one you will e-mail requesting a username and password.

On Windows or Mac machines, you may want to download SSH Secure Shell, a program that allows you to move files between your machine and other machines (e.g. the Blue machine). You can use this program to connect and login with your provided username and password to and you will see your remote files through SSH. Note that, SSH is build-in protocol in Unix family laptops (e.g. Macs), but you may need to enable it from your terminal. PuTTY is another secure protocol to connect to remote servers and widely used for Windows machines. There are many more instructions online for both of them on how to install and run from your local machine (your laptop).

On the Blue machine, you have a home directory. This is where you're logged in when you use Blue.

Within that directory, first create a folder named public_html. Any documents you put - with the correct permissions - in the public_html folder will be publicly viewable. There are four files needed to set up a website that uses Python. They are

1.      index.html


3.      Your file

4.      The file


The instructions below explain how to download these files, place them in the right directory, and set their permissions appropriately. These files must be installed on the Blue web server. To minimize headaches, you may wish to do this during the scheduled lab time so that the lab instructors and TAs can help you. However, you can also do it on your own, even from your own computer.

Now that you are logged on to the Blue machine (by connecting remotely as discussed above) here's what you will do:

Get the index.html page. First open this this page. Then right-clicking or control-clicking on the screen and click "view page source". You will see the html text format of the page. Then copy all text and save it in a file as index.html onto your machine. Then, move that file into your public_html directory on Blue. If you wish, you can open the file for editing (for example, with IDLE or any other text editor).

Next, copy the text below into a file called Then, save that file as onto your machine. Then, move that file into your public_html directory.



import cgi

import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

import textcloud


def htmlFormat( body = 'No text supplied', title = 'EECS 110 project page' ):

""" takes the title and body of your webpage (as a string)

and adds the html formatting, returning the resulting

string. If you want to use some features, you may have to

change this function (or not use it at all...)


startString = """\

Content-Type: text/html;






afterTitle = """\






afterBody = """\




return startString + title + afterTitle + body + afterBody


form = cgi.FieldStorage()

if 'inputurl' in form and len(form['inputurl'].value.strip()) > 0:

url = form['inputurl'].value


textcloudbody = textcloud.mtcURL( url )


text = 'I don\'t know what\'s going on.'

textcloudbody = text


originalURL = "<h3><a href=\"./index.html\">Back to text-cloud creation</a></h3>\n"

htmlout = htmlFormat(textcloudbody)

print(htmlout)? # this renders the page


Next, copy your and the supplied file into your public_html directory.

Once that index.html file is in your public_html folder, you need to set permissions to make it world-readable. Open a terminal window. Type cd ~/public_html to put yourself in the public_html directory. Then, type chmod ugo+rx * to change the access permissions of a file so that outside users can use your files. (You can learn much, much more about permissions by typing man chmod)

Once everything is in place, make sure that you can see your base page (which is the index.html one). It will be at

Go to that URL with a web browser and your program will be running from the web! Congratulations!

Customizing your Project

You are welcome to add customizations and embellishments to your project. For example, you might wish to add colors to the fonts that are used to display the text clouds. The colors might use to represent some additional information. Please explain any such added features in the textcloud.txt file that you submit along with your python program.

What to Submit for your Final Project

Here's what you should submit for your final project.

Submit your solutions at Canvas .