Homework 4, Problem 2: TT Securities, Incorporated
[30 points; individual or pair]


Submission: Submit your hw4pr2.py file to Canvas!


For this problem, you will implement a (text-based) menu of options for analyzing a list of stock prices (or any list of floating-point values). This provides an opportunity to use loops in a variety of ways, as well as experience handling user input.

The top-level function to write is called tts() -- it takes no inputs. Instead, it offers the user a menu with these choices:

(0) Input a new list

(1) Print the current list

(2) Find the average price

(3) Find the standard deviation

(4) Find the min and its day

(5) Find the max and its day

(6) Your TT investment plan

(9) Quit


Enter your choice:

Feel free to change the wording or text, but please keep the functionality of these choices intact. If you'd like to add additional menu options of your own design, please use different values for them (see extra credit, below).

Once the menu is presented, the program should wait for the user's input. (You may assume that the user will type an integer as input.) The function should then

  1. print a warning message if the integer is not a valid menu option
  2. quit if the user inputs 9
  3. allow the user to input a new list of stock prices, if the user selects choice 0
  4. print a table of days and prices, with labels, if the user selects choice 1
  5. compute the appropriate statistics about the list for choices 2-6

For any option except 9, the function should reprompt the user with the menu after each choice.

Most of the calculations are straightforward, but here are a couple of pointers on two of them:

  1. The time-travel strategy: For menu option 6, you will want to find the best day on which to buy and sell the stock in question in order to maximize the profit earned. However, the sell day must be greater than or equal to the buy day. You may want to adapt the example function diff from class in order to find this maximum profit.
  2. Calculating the standard deviation: Please use this formula to calculate the standard deviation of the stock (sqrt((sum(L[i]-Lav)**2)/len(L))).

Below is an example run that illustrates one possible interface for your tts() function.


Helper functions

You should write a helper function for each of the menu options.

Extra credit: creative menu options (up to +10 pts)

If you'd like, you may add other menu options (under different numeric labels) that process the list in some other way of your design -- it can be serious or not. Either way, your options will be graded on what they do and how smoothly they interact with the user.

Here is an example run -- you do not need to follow this format exactly (though you may), but it's meant to show an example of each possibility:


>>> tts()

(0) Input a new list

(1) Print the current list

(2) Find the average price

(3) Find the standard deviation

(4) Find the min and its day

(5) Find the max and its day

(6) Your TT investment plan

(9) Quit


Enter your choice: 0

Enter a new list of prices: [20,10,30]

(0) Input a new list

(1) Print the current list

(2) Find the average price

(3) Find the standard deviation

(4) Find the min and its day

(5) Find the max and its day

(6) Your TT investment plan

(9) Quit


Enter your choice: 1


Day  Price

---  -----

  0  20.00

  1  10.00

  2  30.00



(0) Input a new list

(1) Print the current list

(2) Find the average price

(3) Find the standard deviation

(4) Find the min and its day

(5) Find the max and its day

(6) Your TT investment plan

(9) Quit


Enter your choice: 2


The average price is 20.0



(0) Input a new list

(1) Print the current list

(2) Find the average price

(3) Find the standard deviation

(4) Find the min and its day

(5) Find the max and its day

(6) Your TT investment plan

(9) Quit


Enter your choice: 3


The st. deviation is 8.16496580928



(0) Input a new list

(1) Print the current list

(2) Find the average price

(3) Find the standard deviation

(4) Find the min and its day

(5) Find the max and its day

(6) Your TT investment plan

(9) Quit


Enter your choice: 4


The min is 10 on day 1



(0) Input a new list

(1) Print the current list

(2) Find the average price

(3) Find the standard deviation

(4) Find the min and its day

(5) Find the max and its day

(6) Your TT investment plan

(9) Quit


Enter your choice: 5


The max is 30 on day 2



(0) Input a new list

(1) Print the current list

(2) Find the average price

(3) Find the standard deviation

(4) Find the min and its day

(5) Find the max and its day

(6) Your TT investment plan

(9) Quit


Enter your choice: 6

Your TTS investment strategy is to


  Buy on day 1  at price 10

 Sell on day 2  at price 30


 For a total profit of 20



(0) Input a new list

(1) Print the current list

(2) Find the average price

(3) Find the standard deviation

(4) Find the min and its day

(5) Find the max and its day

(6) Your TT investment plan

(9) Quit


Enter your choice: 7



The choice 7 is not an option.

Try again




(0) Input a new list

(1) Print the current list

(2) Find the average price

(3) Find the standard deviation

(4) Find the min and its day

(5) Find the max and its day

(6) Your TT investment plan

(9) Quit


Enter your choice: 9



See you yesterday!




If you have gotten to this point, you have completed problem2. You should submit your hw4pr2.py file at Canvas .



Homework 4