Week 3, Problem 3: Looks Good!
[30 points; individual or pair]: hw3pr3.py

See special submission instructions at the bottom of this page


In this problem you will get more practice working with 2D lists, this time to manipulate images.

Set up

Download the file mimp.pyw from this link and save it wherever is convenient for you. This file is based on the file linked from http://sandbox.mc.edu/friendly_python/lab4.html and provides basic image manipulation capabilities (plus the ability to add much more).

Next create a new folder on your desktop called "modifiers" (without the quotes). Into that directory, download the file modifyBase.py from this link.

NOTE FOR MAC/LINUX USERS: The program previously was not finding the modifiers directory on the desktop on Macs of Linux machines. This should be fixed now for Macs (but you have to re-download the mimp.py file). In Linux it will look in your home directory. However you can always set the location of the modifiers directory manually in the application by going to the Modifiers menu and choosing "Location...".

For the rest of this problem, you will run your code only by running the mimp.py file. You can run this file in two ways. First, you should be able to double-click on it and it should open a window that allows you to open up images. Alternatively, you can open the file in IDLE and then press F5. Try this now.

You'll also need some image files to work with. There are several that you can grab here: http://sandbox.mc.edu/friendly_python/lab4.html, but feel free to use whatever images you like (but you'll want to keep them small, and as they get bigger you'll need to increase your recursion depth as you've done in previous homeworks).

Run the mimp.py file and try opening some image files now.

Modifying the image

Once you have things set up, you're ready to start writing code that modifies images. We'll step through an example together so you get the hang of the general process and then you'll write several more image manipulation functions of your own.

  1. Create a new python file called brighten.py and save it in the modifiers directory you created above
  2. Copy and paste the following code into brighten.py

from modifyBase import *


label = "Brighten"

ordinal = 1


def modify(pic):

""" modify modifies an image to make it brighter """

pixels = getPixels(pic)

if len(pixels) == 0:


newPixels = [ [setNewPixel( pixels, row, col ) for col in range(len(pixels[0]))] for row in range(len(pixels))]

setPixels(pic, newPixels)



def setNewPixel( pixels, row, col ):

""" setNewPixel returns the NEW imanges (row, col) (r,g,b) value

input pixels: a 2D list containing RGB information in the pixels in a picture

input row: the row of the pixel in question

input col: the column of the pixel in question


rval= min(pixels[row][col][0]+30, 255)

gval = min(pixels[row][col][1]+30, 255)

bval = min(pixels[row][col][2]+30, 255)

return (rval, gval, bval)


  1. Now run the mimp.py file again. You should see a button at the bottom of the window named "brighten". Load an image and click on this button. You should see the image brighten each time you click on the button.

Looking at the above code, we see that it functions in a similar way to the Lights On code from lab. modify gets the pixels out of an image, creates a new 2D list containing the new color values for the pixels, and then sets the image to have these new color values. setNewPixel does the work of determining a new color for each pixel.


Representing Color

As we mentioned in class, images on the computer are represented as a grid of pixels, where each pixel has a red value, a green value and a blue value, which together determine the color of that pixel (i.e., its RGB value). Each pixel gets one byte for each color channel, so each color value can range from 0 to 255 (2^8-1).

The function getPixels above returns a 2D list of tuples containing RGB values. E.g., after the following code is executed

pixles = getPixels(pic)

(r,g,b) = pixels[row][col]

(r,g,b) will hold the red, green and blue values for the pixel at row row, column col in the image.

Remember that tuples are essentially the same as lists, with some subtle differences that we'll address later in the semester. You can still index into them and slice them, and append them, just like you did with lists. E.g.,

>>> t = (1, 2, 3)

>>> t[0:1]


>>> t[1]


>>> t[0:2]

(1, 2)



For now the only difference is that tuples are created (and displayed) with parentheses. Notice that a tuple with only one element is displayed with a comma after that element.


Functions for you to write

Your task is to implement (at least) 3 of the following functions, one from each group. For up to +15 points of extra credit (depending on the scope of your additions) you can implement more of them or make up your own creative image manipulation function.

For each function you write, create a new .py file in your modifiers directory. You'll paste them all together when you submit. I recommend always starting with the brighten.py code by choosing the "Save As..." option in the File menu and then modifying the brighten code to suit your needs. The function modify should remain unchanged. You will change the setNewPixel function.

Group 1:

Group 2:


Feel free to add any more functions you can think of. Be creative! I'll show off the more interesting images in class.


Submitting your files

You have created several files for this problem, but you'll need to combine them into one file for submission. Create a new file named hw3pr3.py. Into this file copy and paste all of your image manipulation files. Be sure to include a comment between each, like this:

######## Code for grayscale.py starts here ##########

And at the top of your file you should include a comment listing the functions you implemented.



You should submit your hw3pr3.py file at Canvas .