Week 0, Problem 1: Orientation Problem - Running Python
[30 points; individual]




By completing this first EECS 110 homework problem in orientation, we hope

to introduce you to three things:


1.    Using the python computer language, which you'll use in EECS 110.


2.    Using python's IDLE editor to write and save plain-text files (python programs).

3.    Submitting files to Canvas.


If you have any account problems or other questions/concerns, please ask!


Opening up python/IDLE


1.    These directions presume python is installed, which it should be on lab PCs. If you're on your own machine, visit one of these two links first in order to install Python:

for Windows PCs

for Macs
(Linux users probably already have python installed.)


  1. On a PC, right-click on the link below and choose "Save Target As..." in order to download to the desktop the file named hw0pr1.txt from this link .

3.    On a Mac computer, you can control-click to do download the file.


  1. On your desktop, you should see the newly-downloaded file named hw0pr1.py. You may not see the .py extension, depending on the computer's settings.
  2. Right-click that hw0pr1.py file and choose "Edit with IDLE" or "Open with IDLE." IDLE is the name of an editor and interactive "shell" -- basically an area for experimentation -- that comes with Python.
  3. You should see an editing window with the contents of the hw0pr1.py file -- a python program. You might also see a "Python Shell" window. If you don't see the "Python Shell" window, you should get one by going to the editing window's "Run" menu and choosing "Python Shell."


Trying out python at the python shell


Running a program from a file





Homework 0