EECS 110 Homework Policy


Each week you must attend one two-hour closed lab session. The labs are run by the course faculty and TAs. They provide a great opportunity for you to practice with new material on some fun problems in a friendly and helpful setting.

Typically, the first one or two problems from the corresponding homework (which will be given on Mondays) will be worked on in the lab. We will give you feedback on your lab orally during the lab session. You are encouraged to bring your laptop into the lab.


Each week you will be assigned a set of homework problems. These problems will be due on Sunday evening at 11:59pm, unless otherwise indicated.

Pair Programming
Each assignment contains one "individual" problem that you must complete on your own. You may complete the rest of the problems alone or with one other student. If you choose to work with a partner, you must work with the same partner for the entirety of that week's assignment. You and your partner will submit two solutions for each problem (one by each student). You may switch partners between assignments.

If you choose to work with a partner, you must work together, at the same computer, for every problem that you do together. While you are working, the computer screen should be visible to both people. One person should type, while the other person observes, critiques and plans what to do next. You should switch roles periodically. You may think about the problems individually and make minor bug fixes, but your solution overall should be a true joint effort.

Late Homework Policy
Homework is due on the day indicated at 11:59pm sharp. You will be able to submit three of your homeworks up to 24 hours beyond the deadline. Homework that is more than 24 hours late, or submitted after the deadline (when the late submission option has been used three times), will not be accepted for any reason.

In extreme circumstances (such as serious illness), if you require an additional extension or a longer extension, you must get the permission from the instructor.