DNS-sly: Avoiding Censorship through
Network Complexity
is a counter-censorship system which
enables a covert channel between a DNS client and
server. To achieve this, DNS-sly applies user personalization,
adapting to individual behaviors in the upstream direction. In the downstream direction, it utilizes CDN-related DNS responses to em-
bed data, while retaining statistical covertness.
Our experiments show
DNS-sly achieves downstream throughput of up to 600
Bytes of raw hidden data per click on a
regular Web page, making it a practical system in the context of a
covert Web proxy service. We implement DNS-sly and
evaluate it in a known censorship environment, demon-
strating its real-world usability.
Graduate Students:
Qurat-Ul-Ann Akbar
Marcel Flores
DNS-sly: Avoiding
Censorship through Network Complexity
in USENIX FOCI '16, Austin, Texas, August 2016.
Source Code
We have built
a prototype of DNS-sly in Python with full implementaion of a DNS client and
server. The source as well as scripts to perform the basic setup can be found
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