Akamai Project Data Set.

Thank you for your interest in the Drafting behind Akamai project data set. This is the DNS query data for several Akamai customers from Planet Lab nodes. The following files are the exported Mysql database tables using mysqldump utility.

The database tables are:
Table descriptions
idauto-increment sequence number
akamai_idAkamai customer's IDs
ip_id1First Akamai's edge server IDs
ip_id2Second Akamai's edge server IDs
timeTimestamp of this entry
roundRound number of this query
source_idPlanet Lab node's id of the node issued this DNS query
1. ip_id1 or ip_id2 = 0 means the query did not return first or second Akamai edge server.
2. akamai_id -> url mappings are in akamai customer table.
3. edge server id -> ip mappings and Planet Lab node's id -> ip mappings are in IPs table

idauto-increment sequence number
akamai_idAkamai customer's IDs
roundRound number of this query
source_idSource node's ID
host_idDestination node's ID
valueRTT from source to destination
timeTimestamp of this entry