
Submission Server: All assignments will be submitted via this course's Canvas site. For group projects, only one group member needs to submit; in such cases, the tarball's filename should consist of the netIDs of all group members. For individual homework assignments, please remember to include your netID in the name of your submission as well. To be doubly safe, for all submissions, we recommend also including a README file indicating who should receive credit for the submission.


Note: To be done individually

Note: 1-p3 implies Chapter 1 problem p3

Note: this is the 7th edition; if you are using a different edition, see this post

  1. Textbook problem 6-p5
  2. Textbook problem 6-p14 -- for (d) just show the difference from (c) (copy and paste the figure below)
  3. Textbook problem 6-p15
  4. Textbook problem 6-p18
  5. Textbook problem 6-p21
  6. Textbook problem 6-p22
  7. Textbook problem 6-p23
  8. Textbook problem 6-p24
January 2018, Aleksandar Kuzmanovic