Week 0, Problem 2: Rochambeau
[30 points; individual or pair]


A rock, paper, scissors program -- that never loses...

This second problem asks you to practice

The idea is this: alter the program in hw0pr1.py so that it invites the user to play a game of "rock-paper-scissors." What's more, the program should make sure that it always wins the game (taunting the graders who will be running your program is optional).


Creating a new file named hw0pr2.py

How the program should work?


Choose rock, paper, or scissors: scissors



You chose scissors - I chose rock

I win!


Choose rock, paper, or scissors: paper



You chose paper - I chose scissors

I win!



Submitting your hw0pr2.py file

On to "picobot"

The third and fourth problems on this assignment emphasize a very different way of thinking about computation. They don't use python, but a simulation called picobot. We will discuss it in the first week of EECS 110 classes.


