/* * $Id: main.c,v 1.345.2.27 2005/06/27 21:24:28 hno Exp $ * * DEBUG: section 1 Startup and Main Loop * AUTHOR: Harvest Derived * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #include "squid.h" // ************* Begin ************* // IPC_AE module code #include "AEI.h" SYS_PARAMETER sys_parameter; // system parameters // ************* End *************** /* for error reporting from xmalloc and friends */ extern void (*failure_notify) (const char *); static int opt_parse_cfg_only = 0; static char *opt_syslog_facility = NULL; static int httpPortNumOverride = 1; static int icpPortNumOverride = 1; /* Want to detect "-u 0" */ static int configured_once = 0; #if MALLOC_DBG static int malloc_debug_level = 0; #endif static volatile int do_reconfigure = 0; static volatile int do_rotate = 0; static volatile int do_shutdown = 0; static void mainRotate(void); static void mainReconfigure(void); static SIGHDLR rotate_logs; static SIGHDLR reconfigure; #if ALARM_UPDATES_TIME static SIGHDLR time_tick; #endif static void mainInitialize(void); static void usage(void); static void mainParseOptions(int, char **); static void sendSignal(void); static void serverConnectionsOpen(void); static void watch_child(char **); static void setEffectiveUser(void); #if MEM_GEN_TRACE extern void log_trace_done(); extern void log_trace_init(char *); #endif static EVH SquidShutdown; static void mainSetCwd(void); static int checkRunningPid(void); static const char *squid_start_script = "squid_start"; #if TEST_ACCESS #include "test_access.c" #endif static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-dhvzCDFNRVYX] [-s | -l facility] [-f config-file] [-[au] port] [-k signal]\n" " -a port Specify HTTP port number (default: %d).\n" " -d level Write debugging to stderr also.\n" " -f file Use given config-file instead of\n" " %s\n" " -h Print help message.\n" " -k reconfigure|rotate|shutdown|interrupt|kill|debug|check|parse\n" " Parse configuration file, then send signal to \n" " running copy (except -k parse) and exit.\n" " -s | -l facility\n" " Enable logging to syslog.\n" " -u port Specify ICP port number (default: %d), disable with 0.\n" " -v Print version.\n" " -z Create swap directories\n" " -C Do not catch fatal signals.\n" " -D Disable initial DNS tests.\n" " -F Don't serve any requests until store is rebuilt.\n" " -N No daemon mode.\n" " -R Do not set REUSEADDR on port.\n" " -S Double-check swap during rebuild.\n" " -V Virtual host httpd-accelerator.\n" " -X Force full debugging.\n" " -Y Only return UDP_HIT or UDP_MISS_NOFETCH during fast reload.\n", appname, CACHE_HTTP_PORT, DefaultConfigFile, CACHE_ICP_PORT); exit(1); } static void mainParseOptions(int argc, char *argv[]) { extern char *optarg; int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "CDFNRSVYXa:d:f:hk:m::sl:u:vz?")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'C': opt_catch_signals = 0; break; case 'D': opt_dns_tests = 0; break; case 'F': opt_foreground_rebuild = 1; break; case 'N': opt_no_daemon = 1; break; case 'R': opt_reuseaddr = 0; break; case 'S': opt_store_doublecheck = 1; break; case 'V': vhost_mode = 1; break; case 'X': /* force full debugging */ sigusr2_handle(SIGUSR2); break; case 'Y': opt_reload_hit_only = 1; break; case 'a': httpPortNumOverride = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': opt_debug_stderr = atoi(optarg); break; case 'f': xfree(ConfigFile); ConfigFile = xstrdup(optarg); break; case 'h': usage(); break; case 'k': if ((int) strlen(optarg) < 1) usage(); if (!strncmp(optarg, "reconfigure", strlen(optarg))) opt_send_signal = SIGHUP; else if (!strncmp(optarg, "rotate", strlen(optarg))) #ifdef _SQUID_LINUX_THREADS_ opt_send_signal = SIGQUIT; #else opt_send_signal = SIGUSR1; #endif else if (!strncmp(optarg, "debug", strlen(optarg))) #ifdef _SQUID_LINUX_THREADS_ opt_send_signal = SIGTRAP; #else opt_send_signal = SIGUSR2; #endif else if (!strncmp(optarg, "shutdown", strlen(optarg))) opt_send_signal = SIGTERM; else if (!strncmp(optarg, "interrupt", strlen(optarg))) opt_send_signal = SIGINT; else if (!strncmp(optarg, "kill", strlen(optarg))) opt_send_signal = SIGKILL; else if (!strncmp(optarg, "check", strlen(optarg))) opt_send_signal = 0; /* SIGNULL */ else if (!strncmp(optarg, "parse", strlen(optarg))) opt_parse_cfg_only = 1; /* parse cfg file only */ else usage(); break; case 'm': if (optarg) { #if MALLOC_DBG malloc_debug_level = atoi(optarg); /* NOTREACHED */ break; #else fatal("Need to add -DMALLOC_DBG when compiling to use -mX option"); /* NOTREACHED */ #endif } else { #if XMALLOC_TRACE xmalloc_trace = !xmalloc_trace; #else fatal("Need to configure --enable-xmalloc-debug-trace to use -m option"); #endif } case 'l': opt_syslog_facility = xstrdup(optarg); case 's': #if HAVE_SYSLOG _db_set_syslog(opt_syslog_facility); break; #else fatal("Logging to syslog not available on this platform"); /* NOTREACHED */ #endif case 'u': icpPortNumOverride = atoi(optarg); if (icpPortNumOverride < 0) icpPortNumOverride = 0; break; case 'v': printf("Squid Cache: Version %s\nconfigure options: %s\n", version_string, SQUID_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS); exit(0); /* NOTREACHED */ case 'z': opt_create_swap_dirs = 1; break; case '?': default: usage(); break; } } } /* ARGSUSED */ static void rotate_logs(int sig) { do_rotate = 1; #if !HAVE_SIGACTION signal(sig, rotate_logs); #endif } #if ALARM_UPDATES_TIME static void time_tick(int sig) { getCurrentTime(); alarm(1); #if !HAVE_SIGACTION signal(sig, time_tick); #endif } #endif /* ARGSUSED */ static void reconfigure(int sig) { do_reconfigure = 1; #if !HAVE_SIGACTION signal(sig, reconfigure); #endif } void shut_down(int sig) { do_shutdown = sig == SIGINT ? -1 : 1; #ifdef KILL_PARENT_OPT if (getppid() > 1) { debug(1, 1) ("Killing RunCache, pid %ld\n", (long) getppid()); if (kill(getppid(), sig) < 0) debug(1, 1) ("kill %ld: %s\n", (long) getppid(), xstrerror()); } #endif #if SA_RESETHAND == 0 signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); #endif } static void serverConnectionsOpen(void) { clientOpenListenSockets(); icpConnectionsOpen(); #if USE_HTCP htcpInit(); #endif #ifdef SQUID_SNMP snmpConnectionOpen(); #endif #if USE_WCCP wccpConnectionOpen(); #endif clientdbInit(); icmpOpen(); netdbInit(); asnInit(); peerSelectInit(); #if USE_CARP carpInit(); #endif } void serverConnectionsClose(void) { assert(shutting_down || reconfiguring); clientHttpConnectionsClose(); icpConnectionShutdown(); #if USE_HTCP htcpSocketShutdown(); #endif icmpClose(); #ifdef SQUID_SNMP snmpConnectionShutdown(); #endif #if USE_WCCP wccpConnectionShutdown(); #endif asnFreeMemory(); } static void mainReconfigure(void) { debug(1, 1) ("Reconfiguring Squid Cache (version %s)...\n", version_string); reconfiguring = 1; /* Already called serverConnectionsClose and ipcacheShutdownServers() */ serverConnectionsClose(); icpConnectionClose(); #if USE_HTCP htcpSocketClose(); #endif #ifdef SQUID_SNMP snmpConnectionClose(); #endif #if USE_WCCP wccpConnectionClose(); #endif #if USE_DNSSERVERS dnsShutdown(); #else idnsShutdown(); #endif redirectShutdown(); authenticateShutdown(); externalAclShutdown(); storeDirCloseSwapLogs(); storeLogClose(); accessLogClose(); useragentLogClose(); refererCloseLog(); errorClean(); enter_suid(); /* root to read config file */ parseConfigFile(ConfigFile); setEffectiveUser(); _db_init(Config.Log.log, Config.debugOptions); ipcache_restart(); /* clear stuck entries */ authenticateUserCacheRestart(); /* clear stuck ACL entries */ fqdncache_restart(); /* sigh, fqdncache too */ parseEtcHosts(); errorInitialize(); /* reload error pages */ accessLogInit(); storeLogOpen(); useragentOpenLog(); refererOpenLog(); #if USE_DNSSERVERS dnsInit(); #else idnsInit(); #endif redirectInit(); authenticateInit(&Config.authConfig); externalAclInit(); #if USE_WCCP wccpInit(); #endif serverConnectionsOpen(); if (theOutIcpConnection >= 0) { if (!Config2.Accel.on || Config.onoff.accel_with_proxy) neighbors_open(theOutIcpConnection); else debug(1, 1) ("ICP port disabled in httpd_accelerator mode\n"); } storeDirOpenSwapLogs(); mimeInit(Config.mimeTablePathname); eventCleanup(); writePidFile(); /* write PID file */ debug(1, 1) ("Ready to serve requests.\n"); reconfiguring = 0; } static void mainRotate(void) { icmpClose(); #if USE_DNSSERVERS dnsShutdown(); #endif redirectShutdown(); authenticateShutdown(); externalAclShutdown(); _db_rotate_log(); /* cache.log */ storeDirWriteCleanLogs(1); storeLogRotate(); /* store.log */ accessLogRotate(); /* access.log */ useragentRotateLog(); /* useragent.log */ refererRotateLog(); /* referer.log */ #if WIP_FWD_LOG fwdLogRotate(); #endif icmpOpen(); #if USE_DNSSERVERS dnsInit(); #endif redirectInit(); authenticateInit(&Config.authConfig); externalAclInit(); } static void setEffectiveUser(void) { leave_suid(); /* Run as non privilegied user */ #ifdef _SQUID_OS2_ return; #endif if (geteuid() == 0) { debug(0, 0) ("Squid is not safe to run as root! If you must\n"); debug(0, 0) ("start Squid as root, then you must configure\n"); debug(0, 0) ("it to run as a non-priveledged user with the\n"); debug(0, 0) ("'cache_effective_user' option in the config file.\n"); fatal("Don't run Squid as root, set 'cache_effective_user'!"); } } static void mainSetCwd(void) { char pathbuf[MAXPATHLEN]; if (Config.coredump_dir) { if (0 == strcmp("none", Config.coredump_dir)) { (void) 0; } else if (chdir(Config.coredump_dir) == 0) { debug(0, 1) ("Set Current Directory to %s\n", Config.coredump_dir); return; } else { debug(50, 0) ("chdir: %s: %s\n", Config.coredump_dir, xstrerror()); } } /* If we don't have coredump_dir or couldn't cd there, report current dir */ if (getcwd(pathbuf, MAXPATHLEN)) { debug(0, 1) ("Current Directory is %s\n", pathbuf); } else { debug(50, 0) ("WARNING: Can't find current directory, getcwd: %s\n", xstrerror()); } } static void mainInitialize(void) { /* chroot if configured to run inside chroot */ if (Config.chroot_dir && chroot(Config.chroot_dir)) { fatal("failed to chroot"); } if (opt_catch_signals) { squid_signal(SIGSEGV, death, SA_NODEFER | SA_RESETHAND); squid_signal(SIGBUS, death, SA_NODEFER | SA_RESETHAND); } squid_signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN, SA_RESTART); squid_signal(SIGCHLD, sig_child, SA_NODEFER | SA_RESTART); setEffectiveUser(); assert(Config.Sockaddr.http); if (httpPortNumOverride != 1) Config.Sockaddr.http->s.sin_port = htons(httpPortNumOverride); if (icpPortNumOverride != 1) Config.Port.icp = (u_short) icpPortNumOverride; _db_init(Config.Log.log, Config.debugOptions); fd_open(fileno(debug_log), FD_LOG, Config.Log.log); #if MEM_GEN_TRACE log_trace_init("/tmp/squid.alloc"); #endif debug(1, 0) ("Starting Squid Cache version %s for %s...\n", version_string, CONFIG_HOST_TYPE); debug(1, 1) ("Process ID %d\n", (int) getpid()); debug(1, 1) ("With %d file descriptors available\n", Squid_MaxFD); // ************* Begin ************* // IPC_AE module code Initialize_AE_Interface(); AEI_DB_Init(); // ************* End *************** if (!configured_once) disk_init(); /* disk_init must go before ipcache_init() */ ipcache_init(); fqdncache_init(); parseEtcHosts(); #if USE_DNSSERVERS dnsInit(); #else idnsInit(); #endif redirectInit(); authenticateInit(&Config.authConfig); externalAclInit(); useragentOpenLog(); refererOpenLog(); httpHeaderInitModule(); /* must go before any header processing (e.g. the one in errorInitialize) */ httpReplyInitModule(); /* must go before accepting replies */ errorInitialize(); accessLogInit(); #if USE_IDENT identInit(); #endif #ifdef SQUID_SNMP snmpInit(); #endif #if MALLOC_DBG malloc_debug(0, malloc_debug_level); #endif if (!configured_once) { #if USE_UNLINKD unlinkdInit(); #endif urlInitialize(); cachemgrInit(); statInit(); storeInit(); mainSetCwd(); /* after this point we want to see the mallinfo() output */ do_mallinfo = 1; mimeInit(Config.mimeTablePathname); pconnInit(); refreshInit(); #if DELAY_POOLS delayPoolsInit(); #endif fwdInit(); } #if USE_WCCP wccpInit(); #endif serverConnectionsOpen(); if (theOutIcpConnection >= 0) { if (!Config2.Accel.on || Config.onoff.accel_with_proxy) neighbors_open(theOutIcpConnection); else debug(1, 1) ("ICP port disabled in httpd_accelerator mode\n"); } if (Config.chroot_dir) no_suid(); if (!configured_once) writePidFile(); /* write PID file */ #ifdef _SQUID_LINUX_THREADS_ squid_signal(SIGQUIT, rotate_logs, SA_RESTART); squid_signal(SIGTRAP, sigusr2_handle, SA_RESTART); #else squid_signal(SIGUSR1, rotate_logs, SA_RESTART); squid_signal(SIGUSR2, sigusr2_handle, SA_RESTART); #endif squid_signal(SIGHUP, reconfigure, SA_RESTART); squid_signal(SIGTERM, shut_down, SA_NODEFER | SA_RESETHAND | SA_RESTART); squid_signal(SIGINT, shut_down, SA_NODEFER | SA_RESETHAND | SA_RESTART); #if ALARM_UPDATES_TIME squid_signal(SIGALRM, time_tick, SA_RESTART); alarm(1); #endif memCheckInit(); debug(1, 1) ("Ready to serve requests.\n"); if (!configured_once) { eventAdd("storeMaintain", storeMaintainSwapSpace, NULL, 1.0, 1); if (Config.onoff.announce) eventAdd("start_announce", start_announce, NULL, 3600.0, 1); eventAdd("ipcache_purgelru", ipcache_purgelru, NULL, 10.0, 1); eventAdd("fqdncache_purgelru", fqdncache_purgelru, NULL, 15.0, 1); } configured_once = 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int errcount = 0; int loop_delay; mode_t oldmask; #if defined(_SQUID_MSWIN_) || defined(_SQUID_CYGWIN_) int WIN32_init_err; #endif #if HAVE_SBRK sbrk_start = sbrk(0); #endif debug_log = stderr; if (FD_SETSIZE < Squid_MaxFD) Squid_MaxFD = FD_SETSIZE; #if defined(_SQUID_MSWIN_) || defined(_SQUID_CYGWIN_) if ((WIN32_init_err = WIN32_Subsystem_Init())) return WIN32_init_err; #endif /* call mallopt() before anything else */ #if HAVE_MALLOPT #ifdef M_GRAIN /* Round up all sizes to a multiple of this */ mallopt(M_GRAIN, 16); #endif #ifdef M_MXFAST /* biggest size that is considered a small block */ mallopt(M_MXFAST, 256); #endif #ifdef M_NBLKS /* allocate this many small blocks at once */ mallopt(M_NLBLKS, 32); #endif #endif /* HAVE_MALLOPT */ /* * The plan here is to set the umask to 007 (deny others for * read,write,execute), but only if the umask is not already * set. Unfortunately, there is no way to get the current * umask value without setting it. */ oldmask = umask(S_IRWXO); if (oldmask) umask(oldmask); memset(&local_addr, '\0', sizeof(struct in_addr)); safe_inet_addr(localhost, &local_addr); memset(&any_addr, '\0', sizeof(struct in_addr)); safe_inet_addr("", &any_addr); memset(&no_addr, '\0', sizeof(struct in_addr)); safe_inet_addr("", &no_addr); squid_srandom(time(NULL)); getCurrentTime(); squid_start = current_time; failure_notify = fatal_dump; mainParseOptions(argc, argv); /* parse configuration file * note: in "normal" case this used to be called from mainInitialize() */ { int parse_err; if (!ConfigFile) ConfigFile = xstrdup(DefaultConfigFile); assert(!configured_once); #if USE_LEAKFINDER leakInit(); #endif memInit(); cbdataInit(); eventInit(); /* eventInit() is required for config parsing */ storeFsInit(); /* required for config parsing */ authenticateSchemeInit(); /* required for config parsing */ parse_err = parseConfigFile(ConfigFile); if (opt_parse_cfg_only) return parse_err; } if (-1 == opt_send_signal) if (checkRunningPid()) exit(1); #if TEST_ACCESS comm_init(); comm_select_init(); mainInitialize(); test_access(); return 0; #endif /* send signal to running copy and exit */ if (opt_send_signal != -1) { /* chroot if configured to run inside chroot */ if (Config.chroot_dir) { if (chroot(Config.chroot_dir)) fatal("failed to chroot"); no_suid(); } else { leave_suid(); } sendSignal(); /* NOTREACHED */ } if (opt_create_swap_dirs) { /* chroot if configured to run inside chroot */ if (Config.chroot_dir && chroot(Config.chroot_dir)) { fatal("failed to chroot"); } setEffectiveUser(); debug(0, 0) ("Creating Swap Directories\n"); storeCreateSwapDirectories(); return 0; } if (!opt_no_daemon) watch_child(argv); setMaxFD(); /* init comm module */ comm_init(); comm_select_init(); if (opt_no_daemon) { /* we have to init fdstat here. */ fd_open(0, FD_LOG, "stdin"); fd_open(1, FD_LOG, "stdout"); fd_open(2, FD_LOG, "stderr"); } mainInitialize(); /* main loop */ for (;;) { if (do_reconfigure) { mainReconfigure(); do_reconfigure = 0; } else if (do_rotate) { mainRotate(); do_rotate = 0; } else if (do_shutdown) { // ************* Begin ************* // IPC_AE module code Process_AE_Feedback(); AEI_DB_FreeMemory(); Close_AE_Interface(); // ************* End *************** time_t wait = do_shutdown > 0 ? (int) Config.shutdownLifetime : 0; debug(1, 1) ("Preparing for shutdown after %d requests\n", statCounter.client_http.requests); debug(1, 1) ("Waiting %d seconds for active connections to finish\n", (int) wait); do_shutdown = 0; shutting_down = 1; serverConnectionsClose(); eventAdd("SquidShutdown", SquidShutdown, NULL, (double) (wait + 1), 1); } eventRun(); if ((loop_delay = eventNextTime()) < 0) loop_delay = 0; #if HAVE_POLL switch (comm_poll(loop_delay)) { #else switch (comm_select(loop_delay)) { #endif case COMM_OK: errcount = 0; /* reset if successful */ break; case COMM_ERROR: errcount++; debug(1, 0) ("Select loop Error. Retry %d\n", errcount); if (errcount == 10) fatal_dump("Select Loop failed!"); break; case COMM_TIMEOUT: break; case COMM_SHUTDOWN: SquidShutdown(NULL); break; default: fatal_dump("MAIN: Internal error -- this should never happen."); break; } } /* NOTREACHED */ return 0; } static void sendSignal(void) { pid_t pid; debug_log = stderr; pid = readPidFile(); if (pid > 1) { if (kill(pid, opt_send_signal) && /* ignore permissions if just running check */ !(opt_send_signal == 0 && errno == EPERM)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: Could not send ", appname); fprintf(stderr, "signal %d to process %d: %s\n", opt_send_signal, (int) pid, xstrerror()); exit(1); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: No running copy\n", appname); exit(1); } /* signal successfully sent */ exit(0); } /* * This function is run when Squid is in daemon mode, just * before the parent forks and starts up the child process. * It can be used for admin-specific tasks, such as notifying * someone that Squid is (re)started. */ static void mainStartScript(const char *prog) { char script[SQUID_MAXPATHLEN]; char *t; size_t sl = 0; pid_t cpid; pid_t rpid; xstrncpy(script, prog, MAXPATHLEN); if ((t = strrchr(script, '/'))) { *(++t) = '\0'; sl = strlen(script); } xstrncpy(&script[sl], squid_start_script, MAXPATHLEN - sl); if ((cpid = fork()) == 0) { /* child */ execl(script, squid_start_script, NULL); _exit(0); } else { do { #ifdef _SQUID_NEXT_ union wait status; rpid = wait3(&status, 0, NULL); #else int status; rpid = waitpid(-1, &status, 0); #endif } while (rpid != cpid); } } static int checkRunningPid(void) { pid_t pid; debug_log = stderr; if (strcmp(Config.pidFilename, "none") == 0) { debug(0, 1) ("No pid_filename specified. Trusting you know what you are doing.\n"); return 0; } pid = readPidFile(); if (pid < 2) return 0; if (kill(pid, 0) < 0) return 0; debug(0, 0) ("Squid is already running! Process ID %ld\n", (long int) pid); return 1; } static void watch_child(char *argv[]) { char *prog; int failcount = 0; time_t start; time_t stop; #ifdef _SQUID_NEXT_ union wait status; #else int status; #endif pid_t pid; #ifdef TIOCNOTTY int i; #endif int nullfd; if (*(argv[0]) == '(') return; openlog(appname, LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY | LOG_CONS, LOG_LOCAL4); if ((pid = fork()) < 0) syslog(LOG_ALERT, "fork failed: %s", xstrerror()); else if (pid > 0) exit(0); if (setsid() < 0) syslog(LOG_ALERT, "setsid failed: %s", xstrerror()); closelog(); #ifdef TIOCNOTTY if ((i = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR | O_TEXT)) >= 0) { ioctl(i, TIOCNOTTY, NULL); close(i); } #endif /* * RBCOLLINS - if cygwin stackdumps when squid is run without * -N, check the cygwin1.dll version, it needs to be AT LEAST * 1.1.3. execvp had a bit overflow error in a loop.. */ /* Connect stdio to /dev/null in daemon mode */ nullfd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR | O_TEXT); if (nullfd < 0) fatalf("/dev/null: %s\n", xstrerror()); dup2(nullfd, 0); if (opt_debug_stderr < 0) { dup2(nullfd, 1); dup2(nullfd, 2); } for (;;) { mainStartScript(argv[0]); if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { /* child */ openlog(appname, LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY | LOG_CONS, LOG_LOCAL4); prog = xstrdup(argv[0]); argv[0] = xstrdup("(squid)"); execvp(prog, argv); syslog(LOG_ALERT, "execvp failed: %s", xstrerror()); } /* parent */ openlog(appname, LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY | LOG_CONS, LOG_LOCAL4); syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Squid Parent: child process %d started", pid); time(&start); squid_signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN, SA_RESTART); #ifdef _SQUID_NEXT_ pid = wait3(&status, 0, NULL); #else pid = waitpid(-1, &status, 0); #endif time(&stop); if (WIFEXITED(status)) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Squid Parent: child process %d exited with status %d", pid, WEXITSTATUS(status)); } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Squid Parent: child process %d exited due to signal %d", pid, WTERMSIG(status)); } else { syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Squid Parent: child process %d exited", pid); } if (stop - start < 10) failcount++; else failcount = 0; if (failcount == 5) { syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Exiting due to repeated, frequent failures"); exit(1); } if (WIFEXITED(status)) if (WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) exit(0); if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { switch (WTERMSIG(status)) { case SIGKILL: exit(0); break; default: break; } } squid_signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL, SA_RESTART); sleep(3); } /* NOTREACHED */ } static void SquidShutdown(void *unused) { debug(1, 1) ("Shutting down...\n"); #if USE_DNSSERVERS dnsShutdown(); #else idnsShutdown(); #endif redirectShutdown(); externalAclShutdown(); icpConnectionClose(); #if USE_HTCP htcpSocketClose(); #endif #ifdef SQUID_SNMP snmpConnectionClose(); #endif #if USE_WCCP wccpConnectionClose(); #endif releaseServerSockets(); commCloseAllSockets(); authenticateShutdown(); #if USE_UNLINKD unlinkdClose(); #endif storeDirSync(); /* Flush pending object writes/unlinks */ storeDirWriteCleanLogs(0); PrintRusage(); dumpMallocStats(); storeDirSync(); /* Flush log writes */ storeLogClose(); accessLogClose(); useragentLogClose(); refererCloseLog(); #if WIP_FWD_LOG fwdUninit(); #endif storeDirSync(); /* Flush log close */ storeFsDone(); #if PURIFY || XMALLOC_TRACE configFreeMemory(); storeFreeMemory(); /*stmemFreeMemory(); */ netdbFreeMemory(); ipcacheFreeMemory(); fqdncacheFreeMemory(); asnFreeMemory(); clientdbFreeMemory(); httpHeaderCleanModule(); statFreeMemory(); eventFreeMemory(); mimeFreeMemory(); errorClean(); #endif #if !XMALLOC_TRACE if (opt_no_daemon) { fd_close(0); fd_close(1); fd_close(2); } #endif fdDumpOpen(); fdFreeMemory(); memClean(); #if XMALLOC_TRACE xmalloc_find_leaks(); debug(1, 0) ("Memory used after shutdown: %d\n", xmalloc_total); #endif #if MEM_GEN_TRACE log_trace_done(); #endif if (Config.pidFilename && strcmp(Config.pidFilename, "none") != 0) { enter_suid(); safeunlink(Config.pidFilename, 0); leave_suid(); } debug(1, 1) ("Squid Cache (Version %s): Exiting normally.\n", version_string); if (debug_log) fclose(debug_log); exit(0); } // ************* Begin ************* // IPC_AE module code //******************************************** // pid = IPC_Open2( filename, fd_read, fd_write ) // ------------------------------------------- // Spawn a program and open a pair of pipe file // to communicate with it // specifies path of the binary // executable to run // points to the space to store the // file descriptor of the pipe for reading // points to the space to store the // file descriptor of the pipe for writing // Return the pid of the spawned process //******************************************** pid_t IPC_Open2( const char * filename, int * fd_read, int * fd_write ) { int pipe_write[2]; // parent -> child int pipe_read[2]; // child -> parent pid_t pid; if ( pipe( pipe_read ) < 0 || pipe( pipe_write ) < 0 ) Die( "Fatal error: cannot create pipe\n" ); #define PARENT_READ pipe_read[0] #define CHILD_WRITE pipe_read[1] #define CHILD_READ pipe_write[0] #define PARENT_WRITE pipe_write[1] if ( ( pid = fork() ) < 0 ) // fork fails { Die( "Fatal error: cannot create child process\n" ); } else if ( pid == 0 ) // In the child { close( PARENT_WRITE ); close( PARENT_READ ); dup2( CHILD_READ, 0 ); close( CHILD_READ ); dup2( CHILD_WRITE, 1 ); close( CHILD_WRITE ); execl( filename, filename, NULL ); Die( "Fatal error: fail to run program \"%s\"\n", filename ); } else // In the parent { close( CHILD_READ ); close( CHILD_WRITE ); *fd_read = PARENT_READ; *fd_write = PARENT_WRITE; } return pid; } //******************************************** // Initiaize_AE_Interface() // ------------------------------------------- // Initialize the AEI //******************************************** char Initialize_AE_Interface( void ) { const char * AE_program = AE_PROGRAM; int fd_read, fd_write; // Open the log file const char * log_file = LOG_FILE_NAME; if( ( sys_parameter.log_file = fopen( log_file, "w" ) ) == NULL ) { Die( "Error opening file \"%s\" for writing\n", log_file ); } sys_parameter.log_updated = 0; // Spawn the AE process sys_parameter.AE_pid = IPC_Open2( AE_program, &fd_read, &fd_write ); // ************* Begin ************* // Create and write the AE pid file const char * AE_pid_file = AE_PID_FILE_NAME; FILE * fp; if( ( fp = fopen( AE_pid_file, "w" ) ) == NULL ) { Die( "Error opening file \"%s\" for writing\n", AE_pid_file ); } fprintf( fp, "%d\n", sys_parameter.AE_pid ); fclose( fp ); // ************* End *************** // Open pipes for reading and writing if ( ( sys_parameter.ipc_read = fdopen( fd_read, "rb" ) ) == NULL ) Die( "fdopen(read) fails\n" ); if ( ( sys_parameter.ipc_write = fdopen( fd_write, "wb" ) ) == NULL ) Die( "fdopen(write) fails\n" ); // Set none-blocking mode for both reading and writing fcntl( fd_read, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK ); fcntl( fd_write, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK ); // Turn off buffering setvbuf( sys_parameter.ipc_read, NULL, _IONBF,0 ); setvbuf( sys_parameter.ipc_write, NULL, _IONBF,0 ); time_t current_time = time( NULL ); char * s_time = asctime( localtime( ¤t_time ) ); s_time[ strlen( s_time ) - 1 ] = 0; LogPrintf( "%s: IPC_AE interface initialized\n", s_time ); LogFlush(); return 0; } //******************************************** // Close_AE_Interface() // ------------------------------------------- // Close the AEI //******************************************** char Close_AE_Interface( void ) { fprintf( stderr, "Closing AE interface...\n" ); // Remove the AE pid file const char * AE_pid_file = AE_PID_FILE_NAME; unlink( AE_pid_file ); // Send terminal signal to AE module kill( sys_parameter.AE_pid, SIGTERM ); // Wait AE module to exit waitpid( sys_parameter.AE_pid, NULL, 0 ); fclose( sys_parameter.ipc_read ); fclose( sys_parameter.ipc_write ); time_t current_time = time( NULL ); char * s_time = asctime( localtime( ¤t_time ) ); s_time[ strlen( s_time ) - 1 ] = 0; LogPrintf( "%s: IPC_AE interface exits normally\n", s_time ); fclose( sys_parameter.log_file ); return 0; } //******************************************** // errorcode = SendAccessInfo( access_info ) // ------------------------------------------- // Send access information to the AE through // the pipe. // points to the access // information // Return 0 on success and return a nonzero // code if an error occurs //******************************************** char SendAccessInfo( const ACCESS_INFO * access_info ) { IPC_TLV tlv; tlv.type = TLV_ACCESS_INFO; tlv.length = sizeof( ACCESS_INFO ); tlv.value = (void *)access_info; if ( SendTLV( &tlv, sys_parameter.ipc_write ) != 0 ) return 1; return 0; } //******************************************** // errorcode = SendReleaseNotification( entry ) // ------------------------------------------- // Send a storage release notification to the // AE through the pipe. // points to a StoreEntry structure // of the entry to be released // Return 0 on success and return a nonzero // code if an error occurs //******************************************** char SendReleaseNotification( StoreEntry * entry ) { ENTRY_INFO entry_info; memcpy( entry_info.md5key, entry->hash.key, MD5_DIGEST_CHARS ); IPC_TLV tlv; tlv.type = TLV_RELEASE_ENTRY; tlv.length = sizeof( ENTRY_INFO ); tlv.value = (void *)&entry_info; if ( SendTLV( &tlv, sys_parameter.ipc_write ) != 0 ) return 1; return 0; } //******************************************** // errorcode = SendTLV( tlv, fp ) // ------------------------------------------- // Send a TLV to an output stream // specifies the TLV // specifies the stream // Return 0 on success and return a nonzero // code if an error occurs //******************************************** char SendTLV( const IPC_TLV * tlv, FILE * fp ) { struct{ short type; short length; char value[MAX_VALUE_LENGTH]; }tlv_buffer; tlv_buffer.type = tlv->type; tlv_buffer.length = tlv->length; assert( tlv_buffer.length <= MAX_VALUE_LENGTH ); memcpy( tlv_buffer.value, tlv->value, tlv_buffer.length ); if ( fwrite( &tlv_buffer, sizeof( short ) * 2 + tlv_buffer.length, 1, fp ) != 1 ) { LogPrintf( "SendTLV: IPC pipe full. (TLV type %d)\n", tlv_buffer.type ); return 1; } return 0; } //******************************************** // errorcode = ReceiveTLV( tlv, fp ) // ------------------------------------------- // Receive a TLV from an input stream // points to the space to store the TLV // specifies the stream // Return 0 on success and return a nonzero // code if an error occurs //******************************************** char ReceiveTLV( IPC_TLV * tlv, FILE * fp ) { if ( fread( tlv, sizeof( short ) * 2, 1, fp ) != 1 ) return 1; if ( fread( tlv->value, tlv->length, 1, fp ) != 1 ) return 2; return 0; } //******************************************** // Die( format, ... ) // ------------------------------------------- // Print a formatted message to the log file // and then terminate the program //******************************************** void Die( const char * format, ... ) { va_list param_list; va_start( param_list, format ); vfprintf( sys_parameter.log_file, format, param_list ); exit( 1 ); } //******************************************** // LogPrintf( format, ... ) // ------------------------------------------- // Print a formatted message to the log file //******************************************** void LogPrintf( const char * format, ... ) { va_list param_list; va_start( param_list, format ); vfprintf( sys_parameter.log_file, format, param_list ); sys_parameter.log_updated = 1; } //******************************************** // LogFlush() // ------------------------------------------- // Flush the log file if necessary //******************************************** void LogFlush( void ) { if ( sys_parameter.log_updated ) { fflush( sys_parameter.log_file ); sys_parameter.log_updated = 0; } } // ************* End ***************